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Prescription Drugs
Students Taking Note

Communities That Care (CTC) Survey​s


CTC helps communities prevent problems before they develop. Many see dramatic reductions in levels of youth alcohol & tobacco use and crime & violence. The CTC process begins with a youth survey to identify a community’s risks and strengths. Based on these data, CTC helps communities select and implement tested & effective prevention programs and policies. CTC also helps amplify programs already working.


The majority of schools in Bamberg, Orangeburg and Calhoun counties participated in the Communities That Care (CTC) survey sponsored by the SC Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse services (SCDAODAS).


If you would like a copy of the graphs or have any questions, please e-mail

Counter Tobacco Grant


Last year, the Tri-County Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse (TCCADA) in collaboration with the Edisto Health Coalition (EHC) was awarded a $10,000 grant from the SC Tobacco Collaborative to examine Point of Sale (PoS) advertising in Bamberg County. From the store scans that were conducted as part of the grant, it was determined that Bamberg County could benefit from a content neutral sign ordinance, as well as, some pharmaceutical education about the irony of tobacco products being sold in a health care environment. Towards those goals, we made people aware of the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids’ effort to support Walgreen’s experiment to stop selling tobacco. You can still support this effort at


TCCADA in collaboration with the EHC will be receiving the same grant this year for Orangeburg and Calhoun counties. So our Coalition volunteers and TCCADA prevention staff will begin conducting store scans on approximately 120 stores over the next several months. We already have a great start on our problem identification and signage ordinance in Orangeburg County. Anyone interested in volunteering to assist, can contact or call (803) 536-4900, ext. 138. Speaking of volunteers, Calhoun County High School’s career and technology instructor and coalition member, Dawn Gressette, and some of her volunteer DECA (International Association of Marketing) students have agreed to serve point on the Calhoun County store scans, problem identification and follow-up activities.

Prescription Take Back ​


The Tri-County Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse (TCCADA) in collaboration with the Edisto Health Coalition (EHC) partnered with several of our local law enforcement agencies to provide the citizens in the tri-county area of Orangeburg, Bamberg and Calhoun counties with access year round in permanent locations. See the flyer below. Funding for the drop boxes was provided through a grant from the SC Department of Alcohol and Drug Abuse (SCDAODAS).


Residents can turn in unwanted, unused or expired prescription medications and all over-the-counter medications , vitamins, pet medications, drug samples, and liquid medications preferably in original containers. 


Residents cannot turn in needles, syringes, lancets, injection pens, liquid chemotherapy drugs, chem waste or other medical waste, aerosol spray cans/inhalers, and illicit drugs.


DROP BOXES can be accessed at the following times and locations:

  • Bamberg Police Department (Mon-Fri 8:00AM-5:00PM) COMING SOON, 2477 Main Highway, Bamberg, SC 29003

  • Holly Hill Police Department (24/7), 8423 Old State Road-Suite #1, Holly Hill, SC 29059-8100

  • North Police Department (Mon, Tues, Thurs 8:30AM to 5PM & Wed, Fri 8:30AM-1:00PM), 9305 North Road, North, SC 29112

  • Orangeburg County Sheriff's Office (Mon-Fri 8:30AM-5:00PM), 1520 Ellis Avenue, Orangeburg, SC 29118

  • St. Matthews Police Department (Mon-Fri 8:00AM-5:00PM), 304 Agnes Street #A100, St. Matthews, SC 29135

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